Sunday, 2 October 2016

"White Lives Matter" Racist Trash not welcome in Portsmouth.Anti Racist Rally Portsmouth Guildhall square. 8th October.

Simon Magorian.
Stand Up to Racism.
The racists from South Coast Resistance, who are basically Pie and Mash Squad, or considering their debacle in May in Portsmouth, would be better called "Pie and Mash, Halloween masks and a crate of discount beer Squad"are blessing us with another event.
The title for their event.White Lives Matter really says it all.The White Lives Matter Movement in the U.S.A. is obviously a response to the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the large number of African American deaths at the hands of the police.WLM in the States is basically Ku Klux Klan and what's left of The Angry White Man Movement. As such SCR is not just attempting to appeal to Racists but also to Nazis.Concepts like White Pride are the currency not of the far right but Fascists.

There has been a spike in Racism nationally since the Brexit vote and this has even included the murder of a Polish man.The way the media have conducted themselves both before and after the referendum  has given the impression that it is now acceptable to be openly racist and clearly some far right groups thinks this is an opportunity to spread their message of hate.

There have been some examples of this hitting Portsmouth like this graffiti reported in Portsmouth News shortly after the referendum.

Portsmouth is an Antiracist city with a good multicultural vibe. This was clearly demonstrated at the large turnout for Hope Not Hate's  More in Common event in honour of the murdered MP Jo Cox recently.
In fact there has not been a significant upturn in racist incidents in Portsmouth.

These guys want to change that.

Our protest is not about them it's about us.

Link to page with demo details here. 

This is about us making an important statement about the majority of citizens who want a non racist inclusive city that doesn't demonise immigrants and welcomes refugees.
We want people to bring banners and placards to celebrate our diversity. Bring musical instruments and poems if you like.We will also be doing a collection for the forthcoming Stand Up to Racism trip to Calais in December.
We are coming together to celebrate multicultural Portsmouth.
We send out an invitation to everyone who regards diversity as a sign of strength to join us in a positive demonstration , where we can unite and celebrate multicultural Portsmouth.
Yes to diversity.
No to Racism.
Called by Stand Up to Racism/Unite against Fascism./Love Music Hate Racism.