As people are probably aware according to the southampton Echo The English Defence League are planning a march in the city, below is Southampton Uafs unity statement .
The most up to date version,with all the most recent signatories can be obtained by clicking the Southampton Uaf link on the right.
Please circulate and sign.
Southampton Unity Statement
We the undersigned strongly oppose plans by the “English Defence League” —a racist group with links
to the fascist British National Party —to hold a demonstration in Southampton in January.
The EDL has a track record ofwhipping up race hatred against Muslims and against Asian people in
general. Its members have been filmed making Nazi “seig heil” salutes and shouting disgusting racist
slogans at previous demonstrations.
Islamphobia—bigotry against Muslims —is as unacceptable as any other form of racism. It divides and
weakens our society by making scapegoats of one community, just as Hitler’s Nazis did by targeting Jews
in the 1 930s. Today the EDL threatens Muslims, tomorrow it could be Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, black people,
lesbians and gay men, travellers or Eastern Europeans.
Southampton has a proud history of helping with most of the major refugee movements of the 20th
century including refugees from Nazism in the 30s and children fleeing the horrors of the Spanish Civil
War in 1 937. Many have remained here and contribute to the cultural and religious diversity of our city.
There is no place for racists or fascists in Southampton's multi-racial, multi-cultural and mutli-religious
community. That is why we stand in solidarity with Southampton's Muslim community and against the
poisonous bigotry of the EDL.
Signatories include,
Adnan Chaudry, Dorset Race Equality Council
Bob Cox, Southampton Unite against Fascism
Bobby Noyes, President, Southampton Trades
Union Council
Glyn Oliver, NUT Representative
Steve Squibbs, Secretary, Hampshire UNISON
Library Shop stewards cttee.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
No Platform for Nazis
The recent appearance of BNP leader, Nick Griffin, has generated much discussion over the question of his right to a platform on the BBC and, more generally, over the issue of free speech for fascists. For me this is an old question about which I made up my mind in the course of the struggle against the National Front in the seventies. At that time we, Anti- Nazi League supporters and the left generally argued the case for no platform in every student union and trade union we could and pretty much won the argument throughout the labour and student movement. Today there is a new generation of fascists (the BNP, EDL etc) and anti- fascists and we need to have, and win, the argument again. This is my contribution.
The first reason for refusing Nick Griffin and other BNPers a platform on the BBC and elsewhere in public life is simply that they are NAZIS. I am not opposed to giving them a platform because I don’t agree with them or don’t like them. I don’t agree with (and actively dislike) Tories, and indeed Blairites, but I don’t want to no platform them. Its because they are NAZIS i.e. fascist followers of Adolf Hitler. Some people don’t realise this because it has long been Nick Griffin’s strategy to present the BNP as just British Patriots, but in fact Griffin and other BNP leaders, like fellow Euro MP Andrew Brons, are long standing hard core Nazis who go back to John Tyndall, the NF and Oswald Mosley of the British Union of Fascists (Hitler’s main supporter in Britain). Moreover Griffin is surrounded by hardcore Nazi thugs, like Tony Lecomber, with numerous convictions for racist violence and terrorism.
Nick Griffin
John Tyndall on left
Oswald Mosley in the 30s
Tony Lecomber (5 convictions under Explosives Act, 12 convictions total)
Some people who know the BNP are Nazis don’t realise what this means. Nazis are not just people with unpleasant views. They are a political movement bent on winning power with the aim of destroying democracy (and freedom of speech), destroying the labour movement (who are all ‘Communists’ in their eyes) and driving out, by intimidation and force, non- white ethnic minorities. Whatever Griffin may say in public, the BNP aim of achieving a white only, non- multicultural Britain could ONLY be achieved by smashing the trade unions and socialist organisations and violent intimidation and persecution of people of colour, and Griffin knows this.
The second main reason for not giving the BNP a platform is that we are not just talking about words here. Every time and everywhere the BNP gets a foothold or an airing of its views there is an increase in racist violence and attacks. This is what happened in SE London when the BNP had its headquarters in Welling, culminating in the racist murder of Steven Lawrence. Its what happened with former BNP member, David Copeland , the nail bomber who bombed Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho. Griffin will not go on TV and openly urge violence but that’s what his thug sympathisers on the street will hear and act on.
Stopping the BNP (and other fascists) from growing and building influence, including by stopping their marches, and denying them public platforms is therefore both a political duty, a necessary act of solidarity with all vulnerable minorities AND, for everyone of colour, LGBT people, Jews, Muslims, trade unionists, socialists etc a matter of self preservation. To put it personally, if the BNP were in power I, and people like me, would be in prison at best and most likely dead. In a town or community where they were dominant I and people like me would not be safe to walk the streets. Anyone who doubts this should check the historical record and see what the fascists did to Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Germany, to Antonio Gramsci in Italy, to Andreu Nin in Spain and to hundreds of thousands of rank and file socialists across Europe, long before they started on the Holocaust.
Some Common, but Mistaken, Arguments for giving the BNP a Platform
1. Put Griffin on TV, he’ll only make a fool of himself. Griffin was bad on Question Time, but the publicity he received enabled the BNP to get 3000 enquiries for membership. Every time Griffin or other BNP leaders get these platforms they get more publicity, become more accepted as part of the ‘mainstream’ and gain support.
2. The way to defeat the BNP is by rational argument. Rational argument will work for some people (mostly people who wouldn’t join or vote BNP anyway) but it will not work for many of those the BNP is trying to attract. The BNP’s essential appeal is not rational but emotive. Their appeal is to bigotry and hatred, to people who are fearful and want scapegoats and ‘strong leadership’. Gaining public platforms, such as on the BBC, increases that appearance of strength, as does successfully marching in the streets. Denying them a platform and driving them off our streets shatters that image of strength. The ‘master race’ doesn’t look very masterful when it is forced to flee with its tail between its legs.
3. The BNP are not Nazis because they British not German. This is an argument based on historical ignorance. The German Nazis are the best known example of fascism, but fascism was and is an international phenomenon and movement, which took power in Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Rumania, Japan and elsewhere, and struggled for power in other countries including France and Britain. Today there are neo-nazi movements across Europe including in Russia and outside Europe, in the USA and India.
4. The British people have too much sense to be won over by the BNP. This argument can seem plausible and hard to answer without attacking ‘the British people’ but it is wrong on a number of grounds. Try out, for example, ‘The British people have too much sense to vote for Margaret Thatcher’. Or ‘The British people have too much sense to interested in trashy nonsense like Big Brother or I’m a Celebrity- Get me Out of Here.’ It is not true that the British have some special gene of common sense, unlike Germans, Italians etc , which makes them immune to fascism. What stopped Mosley in the thirties was not ‘British’ common sense but anti-fascist militancy at the Battle of Cable St. and elsewhere. Also the BNP does not have to win over all, or even most, of the British people (and the same applies to fascist movements in other countries). The fascists in Germany, Italy, Spain etc did not gain power by winning majority support but by being put in power in situations of extreme economic or political crisis by the ruling class of those countries in order to smash the left and the workers movement. For that they did not need to achieve a majority only a credible sixe and strength. This can certainly be achieved by the BNP in the future IF we let them.
5. Freedom of speech is an absolute principle, which must be granted even to Nazis. No, it is not an ABSOLUTE principle in this or any other society and cannot be. I do not have an absolute, or any kind, of right to turn up at the BBC and be allowed to speak on Question Time or any other programme, I have to be invited and so does Nick Griffin. Even elected MPs cant demand the right to be on TV, much as they’d like to. Try exercising absolute freedom of speech at the Tory Party Conference or the Labour Party Conference (remember Walter Wolfgang who shouted ‘Rubbish!’ at Jack Straw and was manhandled out by heavies.) Try exercising any kind of freedom of speech in a court of law when the judge tells you not to and you will end up in jail for contempt. In fact there thousands of such restrictions on freedom of speech, in the armed forces, in many jobs, on schools, in the police, and so on. You do not have, and should not have, a right to stand in the street and yell racist abuse at people (indeed you can be arrested for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace for a lot less than this). Yet, although the BNP may choose its words carefully this is essentially what the BNP does. They should be stopped before they get too strong for them to be stopped.
What all the above arguments have in common is that they treat the struggle against fascism as if it were some kind of reasoned debate with victory going to the side that presents the most logical arguments ( ‘Now is mass unemployment in Germany really caused by the Jews ? Let’s examine the evidence’) It is not. History shows that it is a social and political struggle ( an aspect of the class struggle) which if the fascists get strong enough will culminate in civil and world war. Defeating Hitler cost 50 million lives. I say ‘ Never Again! Stop them now – by any means necessary!’
Written by John Molyneux
November 30, 2009
The first reason for refusing Nick Griffin and other BNPers a platform on the BBC and elsewhere in public life is simply that they are NAZIS. I am not opposed to giving them a platform because I don’t agree with them or don’t like them. I don’t agree with (and actively dislike) Tories, and indeed Blairites, but I don’t want to no platform them. Its because they are NAZIS i.e. fascist followers of Adolf Hitler. Some people don’t realise this because it has long been Nick Griffin’s strategy to present the BNP as just British Patriots, but in fact Griffin and other BNP leaders, like fellow Euro MP Andrew Brons, are long standing hard core Nazis who go back to John Tyndall, the NF and Oswald Mosley of the British Union of Fascists (Hitler’s main supporter in Britain). Moreover Griffin is surrounded by hardcore Nazi thugs, like Tony Lecomber, with numerous convictions for racist violence and terrorism.
Some people who know the BNP are Nazis don’t realise what this means. Nazis are not just people with unpleasant views. They are a political movement bent on winning power with the aim of destroying democracy (and freedom of speech), destroying the labour movement (who are all ‘Communists’ in their eyes) and driving out, by intimidation and force, non- white ethnic minorities. Whatever Griffin may say in public, the BNP aim of achieving a white only, non- multicultural Britain could ONLY be achieved by smashing the trade unions and socialist organisations and violent intimidation and persecution of people of colour, and Griffin knows this.
The second main reason for not giving the BNP a platform is that we are not just talking about words here. Every time and everywhere the BNP gets a foothold or an airing of its views there is an increase in racist violence and attacks. This is what happened in SE London when the BNP had its headquarters in Welling, culminating in the racist murder of Steven Lawrence. Its what happened with former BNP member, David Copeland , the nail bomber who bombed Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho. Griffin will not go on TV and openly urge violence but that’s what his thug sympathisers on the street will hear and act on.
Stopping the BNP (and other fascists) from growing and building influence, including by stopping their marches, and denying them public platforms is therefore both a political duty, a necessary act of solidarity with all vulnerable minorities AND, for everyone of colour, LGBT people, Jews, Muslims, trade unionists, socialists etc a matter of self preservation. To put it personally, if the BNP were in power I, and people like me, would be in prison at best and most likely dead. In a town or community where they were dominant I and people like me would not be safe to walk the streets. Anyone who doubts this should check the historical record and see what the fascists did to Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Germany, to Antonio Gramsci in Italy, to Andreu Nin in Spain and to hundreds of thousands of rank and file socialists across Europe, long before they started on the Holocaust.
Some Common, but Mistaken, Arguments for giving the BNP a Platform
1. Put Griffin on TV, he’ll only make a fool of himself. Griffin was bad on Question Time, but the publicity he received enabled the BNP to get 3000 enquiries for membership. Every time Griffin or other BNP leaders get these platforms they get more publicity, become more accepted as part of the ‘mainstream’ and gain support.
2. The way to defeat the BNP is by rational argument. Rational argument will work for some people (mostly people who wouldn’t join or vote BNP anyway) but it will not work for many of those the BNP is trying to attract. The BNP’s essential appeal is not rational but emotive. Their appeal is to bigotry and hatred, to people who are fearful and want scapegoats and ‘strong leadership’. Gaining public platforms, such as on the BBC, increases that appearance of strength, as does successfully marching in the streets. Denying them a platform and driving them off our streets shatters that image of strength. The ‘master race’ doesn’t look very masterful when it is forced to flee with its tail between its legs.
3. The BNP are not Nazis because they British not German. This is an argument based on historical ignorance. The German Nazis are the best known example of fascism, but fascism was and is an international phenomenon and movement, which took power in Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Rumania, Japan and elsewhere, and struggled for power in other countries including France and Britain. Today there are neo-nazi movements across Europe including in Russia and outside Europe, in the USA and India.
4. The British people have too much sense to be won over by the BNP. This argument can seem plausible and hard to answer without attacking ‘the British people’ but it is wrong on a number of grounds. Try out, for example, ‘The British people have too much sense to vote for Margaret Thatcher’. Or ‘The British people have too much sense to interested in trashy nonsense like Big Brother or I’m a Celebrity- Get me Out of Here.’ It is not true that the British have some special gene of common sense, unlike Germans, Italians etc , which makes them immune to fascism. What stopped Mosley in the thirties was not ‘British’ common sense but anti-fascist militancy at the Battle of Cable St. and elsewhere. Also the BNP does not have to win over all, or even most, of the British people (and the same applies to fascist movements in other countries). The fascists in Germany, Italy, Spain etc did not gain power by winning majority support but by being put in power in situations of extreme economic or political crisis by the ruling class of those countries in order to smash the left and the workers movement. For that they did not need to achieve a majority only a credible sixe and strength. This can certainly be achieved by the BNP in the future IF we let them.
5. Freedom of speech is an absolute principle, which must be granted even to Nazis. No, it is not an ABSOLUTE principle in this or any other society and cannot be. I do not have an absolute, or any kind, of right to turn up at the BBC and be allowed to speak on Question Time or any other programme, I have to be invited and so does Nick Griffin. Even elected MPs cant demand the right to be on TV, much as they’d like to. Try exercising absolute freedom of speech at the Tory Party Conference or the Labour Party Conference (remember Walter Wolfgang who shouted ‘Rubbish!’ at Jack Straw and was manhandled out by heavies.) Try exercising any kind of freedom of speech in a court of law when the judge tells you not to and you will end up in jail for contempt. In fact there thousands of such restrictions on freedom of speech, in the armed forces, in many jobs, on schools, in the police, and so on. You do not have, and should not have, a right to stand in the street and yell racist abuse at people (indeed you can be arrested for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace for a lot less than this). Yet, although the BNP may choose its words carefully this is essentially what the BNP does. They should be stopped before they get too strong for them to be stopped.
What all the above arguments have in common is that they treat the struggle against fascism as if it were some kind of reasoned debate with victory going to the side that presents the most logical arguments ( ‘Now is mass unemployment in Germany really caused by the Jews ? Let’s examine the evidence’) It is not. History shows that it is a social and political struggle ( an aspect of the class struggle) which if the fascists get strong enough will culminate in civil and world war. Defeating Hitler cost 50 million lives. I say ‘ Never Again! Stop them now – by any means necessary!’
Written by John Molyneux
November 30, 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Zero Tolerance to Nazi Graffiti in Portsmouth
We recently had a complaint about Racist graffiti in one of the blocks in portsmouth.This was reported to one of the council officers in portsmouth.It appears that the offending graffiti has now been removed.
We approached the council for a clarification of what its policy is.The situation is that any graffiti which is felt to constitute hate speech will be cleaned off promptly,within 24-48 hours after a complaint has been lodged.
If a complaint is made on a duty phone over the weekend then council workers have to use their own judgment as to whether to take action over it.
The days when anti-racists had to spend an evening doing a"paint-out" with a look-out are over.This is another area where progressive politics have gone mainstream.
However it requires somebody to make the complaint.
Don't assume that somebody else has made the call.
Ring up and complain!
Graffiti Removal:
We approached the council for a clarification of what its policy is.The situation is that any graffiti which is felt to constitute hate speech will be cleaned off promptly,within 24-48 hours after a complaint has been lodged.
If a complaint is made on a duty phone over the weekend then council workers have to use their own judgment as to whether to take action over it.
The days when anti-racists had to spend an evening doing a"paint-out" with a look-out are over.This is another area where progressive politics have gone mainstream.
However it requires somebody to make the complaint.
Don't assume that somebody else has made the call.
Ring up and complain!
Graffiti Removal:
Love Music Hate Racism gig reportback.
Uaf Portsmouth would like to thank all those,as they say,who made it possible.Firstly many thanks to Ben the events manager at little johnny Russells and all the staff who did such a great job.
Harri who got the whole thing staged.
Gareth for making a pointed speech .
Chris for getting the publicity around town and Sam and Hannah for doing all the work around the students union.
Nobody of course would have turned up at all if it weren't for the talent.
Thanks to Joe Wells for compering the evening.
Thanks to the performers, Liver and Lungs,Joey Tu, Tommy Comstock and Rob Moore.
The gig was a huge success on many fronts.It was a great evening and we managed to sign several people up for future activism and sold heaps of badges and T shirts.
In all £200 was raised for pompey Uaf.
None of this money will be spent on perks for the commitee it will all go on building the campaign against the BNP in portsmouth,on rallies leaflets etc.
Many thanks to everyone who organised and supported the event.
There are two future Love Music Hate Racism events being organised.
If you want to help organise them or are in a band etc please contact Gareth on 07968417429.
Harri who got the whole thing staged.
Gareth for making a pointed speech .
Chris for getting the publicity around town and Sam and Hannah for doing all the work around the students union.
Nobody of course would have turned up at all if it weren't for the talent.
Thanks to Joe Wells for compering the evening.
Thanks to the performers, Liver and Lungs,Joey Tu, Tommy Comstock and Rob Moore.
The gig was a huge success on many fronts.It was a great evening and we managed to sign several people up for future activism and sold heaps of badges and T shirts.
In all £200 was raised for pompey Uaf.
None of this money will be spent on perks for the commitee it will all go on building the campaign against the BNP in portsmouth,on rallies leaflets etc.
Many thanks to everyone who organised and supported the event.
There are two future Love Music Hate Racism events being organised.
If you want to help organise them or are in a band etc please contact Gareth on 07968417429.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
This is just a brief report, largely cribbed from the Morning Star so I would be grateful for people to add comments below so everyone gets a more accurate view of the days proceedings.
Nazis planning an anti-Islamic demonstration in Manchester were forced back on Saturday following a mass counter-protest by anti-fascists. The English Defence League (EDL) was outnumbered by more than three to one by people of all races determined to defend Britain's diverse cultural mix.
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) said that the 4-500 EDL activists had been "run out of town" by 2,500 counter-protesters who occupied most of Piccadilly Gardens, destroying the organisers' plan to hold a rally and sing the national anthem on the spot.
Greater Manchester UAF spokesman Mike Gilligan hailed it as a "very successful day for the anti-racist movement" against a far-right march on a scale unseen in the city for decades.
"The number of counter-protesters was inspiring, representing a multicultural Manchester," said Mr Gilligan. "Our protesters reflected the energy, particularly of young people, who showed their disgust at the racists trying to group together in Manchester city centre," he added.
Members of EDL made nazi salutes and traded insults over a line of riot police which separated the two groups of protesters.Five hundred police officers attended the scene and police made 48 arrests, around 32 from the EDL ranks. Grounds for arrest included suspicion of public order offences, affray, possession of an offensive weapon and racially aggravated public order offences.
UAF described the police as "heavy-handed," with at least three anti-fascists bitten by police dogs. Fellow activists charged the police with "protecting fascists."
Links between the EDL and groups such as Casuals United and militant white supremacists Racial Force have sparked calls from some anti-fascist activists for increased activity in the struggle to suppress these groups. Thousands of anti-fascists are currently organising to neutralise planned far-right rallies in coming weeks by the English, Welsh and Scottish Defence leagues in Swansea, Newport, Leeds and Glasgow. Anti-fascists are also planning to hold a national demonstration to allow the British public to express its opposition to the far right.
The EDL had intended to march through Manchester.
The EDL intended to demonstrate outside a mosque and to insult worshippers of Islam.
The EDL had intended to control the main square and make it an Anti Islam and white power focus.
They were not permitted to do so by the mobilisation of large forces by UAF.
However,there were still far too many.
There seems to be some question whether it was 200 or 500.
Whatever the accurate figure it was clearly too many.
They are planning another demo on October 31st.In Leeds.
This must be rigorously opposed.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
This is one of those occasions where people just come together.
It's in two parts and speaks for itself.
It's in two parts and speaks for itself.
Monday, 5 October 2009
The english defence league first came to prominence after the Islamist group Al Mahajiroun held a demonstration in Luton against The parade of Royal Anglican Regiment troops returning from Afghanistan.
It was pointed out that after weeks of campaigning they only managed to muster about 15 supporters.
Most people thought that apart from being fairly unrepresentative of the muslim community its focus was wrong.
Anti-War campaigners said that their anger would be better directed at the government rather than young men and women who were not consulted where they were deployed and were effectively just workers in uniforms.
There were already activists within the British Fascist community who were forming groups around the focus of anti-muslim feeling.This precipitated the forming of a faction by fascists growing restless at Griffins respectable route to power and who were longing for a bit of street action.
The first two marches revealed to everybody what they were about.
On 24th August they held a march in luton under the pretext of "defending our troops."
It was used as as excuse to attack Asian people and Asian owned businesses.
A similar event was organised on the 4th of july in Birmingham city centre,when they abused black and asian people.
Clearly there was insufficient opposition being mobilised against them.
Letting them march unopposed means allowing our streets to be taken over by nazis ,and permitting our black and asian citizens to be abused and attacked.
It means letting the Nazis control our streets.
All the subsequent marches have been rigorously opposed.
This is a clip of some of their members "siegheiling "during their recent rout in Birmingham.
The EDL had agreed with police that they would not march near the city centre.But in the end tried to march there chanting "Muslims out"and carrying placards with "No more Mosques".
One of the leading figures on the EDL march was Chris Renton,a BNP organiser from Weston Super Mare.One was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words Zyklon B, the cyanide gas used by the Nazis to kill millions of jews and hundreds of thousands of gyspies during the Holocaust.
They attempted to march down the high street and were throwing beer bottles at Asians.
By 3.00p.m.around 500 anti nazi protesters were opposing them.
After a series of skirmishes during the afternoon they were penned in behind police lines.
Eventually the police rounded up the racists and put them on two “special buses”.
They allowed one bus to drive to Lancaster Circus, over a mile from the city centre, where the EDL held a rally in an underground subway.
One EDL supporter bitterly complained on a website noticeboard: “We were kept on that bus for over five hours. We were then released at half one
in the morning – no buses, no trains – and we had to wait five hours in the freezing cold for the first train out of Coventry.”
It's all too too tragic and it simply wrings the heart.
And over 70 of them were charged and fined £80 each for smashing up the bus.
Since the protest the EDL has said that its supporters will not march in Birmingham again because the “police will not protect them”.
There have been similar debacles for them in Harrow.
This is The English Defence League chanting "Mohammed is a paedo."
Proof that they are not opposed to Militant Islam ,they hate and want to insult all Muslims.
One of the heartening things about the events of the last few weeks has been the emergence of radicalised Muslim youth who are clearly prepared to take the nazis on, and are more than willing to defend their home turf.
They have served notice on the Nazis that they are here to stay and here to fight.
The EDLs next outing is due on 10th October in Manchester.
The depressing news that a Muslim Cemetery in the town has been vandalised and desecrated is sadly unsurprising.
This is pretty much par for the course from the Nazis.This was frequently a tactic used in the 70s and 80s.Then it was against Jewish graveyards
now it is against Muslim ones.
Same cowardly behaviour, different scapegoat.
It is imperative that they are not given a free ride on the 10th.
It was pointed out that after weeks of campaigning they only managed to muster about 15 supporters.
Most people thought that apart from being fairly unrepresentative of the muslim community its focus was wrong.
Anti-War campaigners said that their anger would be better directed at the government rather than young men and women who were not consulted where they were deployed and were effectively just workers in uniforms.
There were already activists within the British Fascist community who were forming groups around the focus of anti-muslim feeling.This precipitated the forming of a faction by fascists growing restless at Griffins respectable route to power and who were longing for a bit of street action.
The first two marches revealed to everybody what they were about.
On 24th August they held a march in luton under the pretext of "defending our troops."
It was used as as excuse to attack Asian people and Asian owned businesses.
A similar event was organised on the 4th of july in Birmingham city centre,when they abused black and asian people.
Clearly there was insufficient opposition being mobilised against them.
Letting them march unopposed means allowing our streets to be taken over by nazis ,and permitting our black and asian citizens to be abused and attacked.
It means letting the Nazis control our streets.
All the subsequent marches have been rigorously opposed.
This is a clip of some of their members "siegheiling "during their recent rout in Birmingham.
The EDL had agreed with police that they would not march near the city centre.But in the end tried to march there chanting "Muslims out"and carrying placards with "No more Mosques".
One of the leading figures on the EDL march was Chris Renton,a BNP organiser from Weston Super Mare.One was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words Zyklon B, the cyanide gas used by the Nazis to kill millions of jews and hundreds of thousands of gyspies during the Holocaust.
They attempted to march down the high street and were throwing beer bottles at Asians.
By 3.00p.m.around 500 anti nazi protesters were opposing them.
After a series of skirmishes during the afternoon they were penned in behind police lines.
Eventually the police rounded up the racists and put them on two “special buses”.
They allowed one bus to drive to Lancaster Circus, over a mile from the city centre, where the EDL held a rally in an underground subway.
One EDL supporter bitterly complained on a website noticeboard: “We were kept on that bus for over five hours. We were then released at half one
in the morning – no buses, no trains – and we had to wait five hours in the freezing cold for the first train out of Coventry.”
It's all too too tragic and it simply wrings the heart.
And over 70 of them were charged and fined £80 each for smashing up the bus.
Since the protest the EDL has said that its supporters will not march in Birmingham again because the “police will not protect them”.
There have been similar debacles for them in Harrow.
This is The English Defence League chanting "Mohammed is a paedo."
Proof that they are not opposed to Militant Islam ,they hate and want to insult all Muslims.
One of the heartening things about the events of the last few weeks has been the emergence of radicalised Muslim youth who are clearly prepared to take the nazis on, and are more than willing to defend their home turf.
They have served notice on the Nazis that they are here to stay and here to fight.
The EDLs next outing is due on 10th October in Manchester.
The depressing news that a Muslim Cemetery in the town has been vandalised and desecrated is sadly unsurprising.
This is pretty much par for the course from the Nazis.This was frequently a tactic used in the 70s and 80s.Then it was against Jewish graveyards
now it is against Muslim ones.
Same cowardly behaviour, different scapegoat.
It is imperative that they are not given a free ride on the 10th.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
No Nazis on question time!
Nick griffin on"Jewish control of finance."
Nick Griffin on "Jewish control of the media."
This is the man the BBC want on Question Time.
They claim they have to give him a platform because he is the leader of a democratic party.
There is nothing democratic about the BNP. It is a racist and Fascist
organisation dedicated to kicking every single black and Asian
person out of this country.
Griffin himself wrote: “When the crunch comes power is the
product of force and will, not of rational debate.” He isn’t interested in
impressing people with his arguments – he wants to back up the
BNP’s slogans with “well-directed boots and fists”.
The BBC does not have to give Griffin a platform to spout his
doctrine of race hate. It has chosen to roll out the red carpet to racists
and fascists. And by doing so, it has chosen to treat black and Asian
people with contempt. More airtime for the BNP will lead to more racist
attacks on the streets.
If you’re disgusted by Nick Griffin and appalled by the BBC’s
decision to host him, come join our demonstration outside Question
Time on Thursday 22 October.
Shame on the BBC for inviting the Nazi BNP onto Question Time
No platform for Nazis • Stop racistattacks • Unite to stop the BNP.
Unite Against Fascism will be protesting at the
BBC headquarters.
Picket from 9am. Main demonstration from
5pm, Thursday22 October
There will be a local demonstration outside BBC TV headquarters in Southampton provisionally called for 2.00.PM saturday 17th.
More details when available.
Nick Griffin on "Jewish control of the media."
This is the man the BBC want on Question Time.
They claim they have to give him a platform because he is the leader of a democratic party.
There is nothing democratic about the BNP. It is a racist and Fascist
organisation dedicated to kicking every single black and Asian
person out of this country.
Griffin himself wrote: “When the crunch comes power is the
product of force and will, not of rational debate.” He isn’t interested in
impressing people with his arguments – he wants to back up the
BNP’s slogans with “well-directed boots and fists”.
The BBC does not have to give Griffin a platform to spout his
doctrine of race hate. It has chosen to roll out the red carpet to racists
and fascists. And by doing so, it has chosen to treat black and Asian
people with contempt. More airtime for the BNP will lead to more racist
attacks on the streets.
If you’re disgusted by Nick Griffin and appalled by the BBC’s
decision to host him, come join our demonstration outside Question
Time on Thursday 22 October.
Shame on the BBC for inviting the Nazi BNP onto Question Time
No platform for Nazis • Stop racistattacks • Unite to stop the BNP.
Unite Against Fascism will be protesting at the
BBC headquarters.
Picket from 9am. Main demonstration from
5pm, Thursday22 October
There will be a local demonstration outside BBC TV headquarters in Southampton provisionally called for 2.00.PM saturday 17th.
More details when available.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Bectu Union joins protests against Griffin on Question Time
Bectu,the TV technician workers union has backed UAF's call for a demonstration outside broadcasting house on 22nd Oct to protest Fascist Nick Griffin appearing on Question Time.
Bectu said it would support any of its members who refused to work on the BBC1 programme, which will be transmitted on October 22.
General secretary Gerry Morrissey said: "We believe there should be no media coverage of the BNP and I have raised this issue with the director general, Mark Thompson."
He added: "He said they have been invited on to the programme because they have won elections, but we strongly disagree.
"We will be arranging a demonstration and lobby outside the Question Time studios and we will be working with anti-fascist groups to ensure there is a significant turn out."
Pull the plug Comrades!
Bectu said it would support any of its members who refused to work on the BBC1 programme, which will be transmitted on October 22.
General secretary Gerry Morrissey said: "We believe there should be no media coverage of the BNP and I have raised this issue with the director general, Mark Thompson."
He added: "He said they have been invited on to the programme because they have won elections, but we strongly disagree.
"We will be arranging a demonstration and lobby outside the Question Time studios and we will be working with anti-fascist groups to ensure there is a significant turn out."
Pull the plug Comrades!
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Nazi councillor Barnbrook suspended for a month
Law and order campaigner Barnbrook with the usual coterie of criminals and terrorists.
Report courtesy of UAF:
It’s official: Richard Barnbrook is a Nazi liar
BNP councillor suspended for a month and forced to apologise
Anti-fascists have welcomed the news that leading BNP member Richard Barnbrook - who sits as a councillor in Barking & Dagenham and a member of the London Assembly - has been found guilty of bringing his office into disrepute by the Standards Board and suspended as a councillor for one month.
Unite Against Fascism supporters held a protest against Barnbrook outside the hearing, which took place on Thursday afternoon at City Hall in central London. Anti-fascists also confronted Barnbrook and his entourage of Nazis as they scuttled out of the hearing.
The board found that Barnbrook had lied in September last year when he said that three "knife crime" murders had recently taken place in the borough of Barking & Dagenham.
He made the claims in a video clip hosted on YouTube - which he did not take down despite being told that the murders claims were untrue.
Barnbrook has now been suspended as a councillor for the month of October - or longer if he fails to apologise. He has also been censured, ordered to submit a written apology and ordered to undertake ethics training by the Lonodn Assembly.
Weyman Bennett, joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: "Back in 2005 the Standards Board ruled that the BNP could legitimately be called a Nazi party. Today it has found that Richard Barnbrook was lying about 'knife crime' murders. So now it's official: Richard Barnbrook is a Nazi liar.
"The BNP's lies don't stop at Barnbrook. They are lying when they say ethnic minorities are to blame for crime. They are lying when they say immigrants are to blame for the lack of council housing. And they are lying when they try to whip up race hatred against Muslims.
"Next year the BNP will be telling more lies to try and win seats in the local and general elections. We need to send the message loud and clear that the BNP are Nazis who are out to poison and divide our communities. We must reject their lies and stand united against them."
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Welcome to Pompey Against the Nazis
I think the name of this site is pretty self explanatory.Therefore it makes more sense to talk about what we are up to.The BBC in its infinite wisdom has decided to allow the leader of the fascist BNP onto QUESTION TIME
This demands a response from anti-fascists.There is going to be a demonstration against Nick Griffin on the night.We will give more details when we can.
There will also be one on the saturday before, outside the BBC studios based in southampton.These will provisionally be on thursday 15th october and saturday the 10th respectively.
We will be able to give a clearer indication closer to the date as it is likely to be moved as there are reports that the BBC is in a panic over security.
Nick Griffin sharing a platform with David Duke of Ku Klux Klan fame and explaining the nazis media strategy.
This demands a response from anti-fascists.There is going to be a demonstration against Nick Griffin on the night.We will give more details when we can.
There will also be one on the saturday before, outside the BBC studios based in southampton.These will provisionally be on thursday 15th october and saturday the 10th respectively.
We will be able to give a clearer indication closer to the date as it is likely to be moved as there are reports that the BBC is in a panic over security.
Nick Griffin sharing a platform with David Duke of Ku Klux Klan fame and explaining the nazis media strategy.
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